This game comes from japan, Sengoku Rance is actually a Rance series 7. The lore is quite complex and involving many character and many realm before this.
Lets skip the BS, the gameplay really addicting. First, you play as a hero named Rance, The Savior of the Real, who already conquer faraway land of Zeth and Leazus. Your obsession is to follow your natural desire to f*ck beautiful woman around the world. :)
You next journer begin on Japan, where you meet the supreme ruler of Japan, Oda Nubonaga. You will eventually meet other strong historical figure in sengoku era in Japan such as, Sanada Yukimura the greatest tactician in Japan (Rance ver.), Usagi Kenshin the strongest samurai in Japan (Rance Ver., which is a girl, LOL), and even Xavier the vangelis (in Sengoku Rance, he plays as a demon who eventually posses Oda.
Your total army is 30 and your nationality power is limited, so strategic deployment and recruitment is the best weapon to beat the game. You first play play is easy and not much of a challenge, but on the second game play, you will forced to do other goal such as beat yokai king Masamune, beat Orochi snake god, have 30k soldier, and make a character clear until the end of game. Here is some screenshot of the game.
Takeda House with its powerful cavalry army its 4 deadly general. |
Houjou Soun and the ally of Yin-Yang army and Ogre summoning power |
Mouri Motonari who is cursed by the yokai. |
Uesagi House, the believer of Bishamonten (God of War) |
Sakamoto Ryoma in the barren land of disabled people. |
The size is 1,7 GB. Just torrent it until done. Play "System40" app inside the folder.
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